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Help me find this mysterious song!

Posted by musta


Forum: Music

Hey there everyone, I recently came across a song that I found years ago. But the song that I'm going to mention, doesn't have a name and the name of the band is unknown. The only thing we know, is that the song was aired on a German Radio between 1982 and 1984. No one could find any details of the name of the song and who's behind the band that made this. I'm going to share the link of the song, because the full version was found and labled as "The most mysterious song on the internet". Here's the song and the title of it.

Any theories of this could be great


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Reply by Code/L0gic


Maybe the band broke up or I tried to debut with that song and didn't succeed, in any case the name will most likely not be found or maybe it will be in the future but the most important thing is that the complete song is already found so the name doesnt matter a lot now

Thanks for the song

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Reply by Lowfe


The youtuber "All Things Lost" has a great video on it that covers a lot of theories including one potential band called "Statues In Motion". The song is great and I hope we find it one day, I loved hearing the song in the final fight of My House.WAD too

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