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Posted by SlowRiot


Forum: Music

Any listeners here?
Favourite groups/artists/bands.

DEADLIFE owns my soul right now.

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7 Replies

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Reply by Papa SDF


Reply by Nightride FM


Reply by B w u l f


The Midnight, Carpenter Brut, Lucy in Disguise, and MOON are my current big synthwave groups. If you like vibing out to some vaporwave and going back in time, Midnight Television on YouTube is an awesome premade playlist to old tv commercials.

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Reply by CJ ☆


GUNSHIP!!!!!!!! i seriously adore them!! but kavinsky and  carpenter brut are up there too. i found some stuff i like with fm-84 as well. 

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Reply by Darohan


Oof, where to begin? Gunship, W.O.L.F.C.L.U.B., ScanDroid, and the Midnight are some of my most-listened; but I think that Lovers by TimeCop1983 is probably my favourite album in the genre, at least rn...

Edit: Saw someone else mention FM-84 and would like to give them a special mention too.

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Reply by SWH (Punk Jesus)


Generally love Synthwave. It's my go to genre other than metal.

Fav artists include: Perturbator, Scandroid, Protector 101, Starforce, Dance with the Dead, FM-84, DJ Ten, OSC, and many more. I often like to listen to Prime Thanatos and Knight Riders' Live streams to catch a lot of new stuff.

I also make bits of synthwave from time to time through my SWH project. It's mostly metal right now on there but there is a fair whack of synth in there too. 

I'm working on my Synthwave album right now, remastering the singles I've currently released ready for the album as well as finishing off a few other tracks.

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Reply by Forsarek Slayer of Glerbo



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