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is this happening to anyone else?

Posted by engel


Forum: Web, HTML, Tech

My code for playing a song when u click my profile AND my loading animation just. stopped working. it got removed from my "about me" section and into the "HTML" section. but i tried to put it back in the "about me" section and it just. doesn't work. everything else is fine tho. what happened?

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Reply by Gluma


Hm, never heard that happening before (aside from the supposed bug people mention on here about things not saving, which I also have no idea on the root for that tbh) :0 it'd probably be better to post the codes here on the chance it's a case of user error

For the song code, you can check to see if the tags are closed...? If you're using the <iframe> tag, that is :o SpaceHey will automatically close the tag for you if you forgot to do it, which can lead to some weird stuff happening depending on where you place the code. Though, I would assume the effect would be immediate and wouldn't just suddenly happen...who knows ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Don't know much about the loading animation coding, but it kinda makes me think of when SpaceHey got updated and my font got fucked up a bit due to the update (supposedly....can't confirm it, but it was convenient timing). It was mostly just a case of waiting it out, though; things eventually went back to normal. Don't think SpaceHey got an update recently, however :/

One other guess I have may be highly unlikely but still: it could be something up with both your song (assuming you use the <iframe> code everyone here uses) and image links...? Check to see if the links themselves are actually directing you to the correct thing and haven't suddenly died on you :o

Yeah, I don't really know a solution for that, unfortunately... I'd suggest waiting it out a bit since I have a feeling it could be a temporary site error. Though, it wouldn't hurt to check the links and tags, either way :0

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