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Posted by Skullie


Forum: The Gays Group

Umm... I'm attracted to this person that is the same gender as me but my parent just says that it is me wanting to be their friend. Yet my parent says it's against the bible to date same gender....

How do I know if it is a crush or if I really just want to be friends with them? Plz Help!!!

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Reply by Illford


IMO, it's really something you have to test the waters on, i've heard people say how much you think about the person factors into this as well. If you get nervous around them it's also a pretty good sign. And with the religion thing, being gay hasn't been against doctrine (In a Catholic sense) for a long time. There's a fait amount of Protestant denominations that are very accepting as well. You should always prioritise your happiness and remeber that you are judged on your character by God, not your gender, race, sexuality, etc. 

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