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Thoughts on an increase in touchscreens in cars

Posted by c0reKittyKat


Forum: Automotive

I remember when my family got the 2013 Ford Territory and it has a rudimentary touch screen. I was really impressed at the time but now that they're everywhere, i'm finding them to be a poor choice for cars and also dangerous as well.

I'm fortunate enough that my car (Ford Focus 2013) doesn't have a touch screen, but from what I've used in my mum's 2023 Hyundai Tuscon, I can't stand it over physical buttons.

Like, the TAC (Transport Accident Commission) says to not be on your phone while driving, but cars these days basically have tablets baked into them which you have to use in order to use the car. How is it safer than hypothetically using your phone to change car settings??

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7 Replies

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Reply by Jacob6223


I agree with you fully, replacing physical controls in vehicles with touchscreens just makes it more cumbersome to use at best, and dangerous at worst -- I have a 2018 Ford Explorer (Former police vehicle) & I like it because it's simple, no touchscreens, and it still has a backup camera and bluetooth, which is all I really want. (from America BTW)

I can't stand cars like Tesla where EVERYTHING is controlled by a screen, minus basically just the horn and turn signal. Imo, touchscreens aren't the worst so long as there's physical controls for the important stuff like climate controls, play/pause/skip fwd/skip back

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Reply by c0reKittyKat


Yeah i get you. However i used my mum's car today to pick them up from a restaurant at night and i hated how bright the screen compared to my environment

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Reply by Lowfe


I will die on the hill that replacing physical buttons that you don't need to look at to use with a touch screen is the dumbest modern trend in cars. A small infotainment system that replaces some buttons is fine, but replacing EVERYTHING with a screen like in Teslas will always be dumb

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Reply by Doug


I think it's generally a terrible idea. It requires you to take you eyes off the road for much longer than a simple stereo or hvac panel.

Plus if it breaks, it costs heaps to fix.

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Reply by Alpha


Horrible idea. Tactile buttons are better because then you can memorize and feel for things without having to look instead of having to see what you're doing on a flat touch screen. And it seems like they just add useless junk too.

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Reply by furhad


bad, very bad, controls MUST be physical, not everything should be relient on a touch screen 

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Reply by MAQUINE



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