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Recommend me scene music plz!!

Posted by RAMICIDE666


Forum: Music

Hello, I would like if you could recommend Scene music, since I have started listening to some songs by Disko Warp (I think it is scene, please correct me if I am wrong!!) and other songs that (I think) are scene:

Pika Girl - S3rl

Kiss Me Again - Roy Bee

Ring Dinge Ding - DJ Splash

If I was wrong and they are not Scene songs, as I said before, please correct me!!!!

And more similar songs, if someone can recommend me some more I will be super happy!!

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Reply by Provemyslayy^_^


S3rl-shoulder boulders, Noma-brain power, Vamps-susperia idk. Bro i love ur pic. Oh and this songs that you listen to is scene 

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Reply by Will :)


I’ve only heard 1/3 songs mentioned i’d say it’s in the more hyper pop side of scene music but i’d still count it scene lol

If ur looking for more scene music i recommend looking at other ppls scene playlists :)

some scene songs/artists i like and are pretty good starters are:

Fer sure - medic droid (song)

Your so creepy - Ghost town

Skeleton - Ghost town

Things that rhyme with orange - I set my friends on fire (Song)

I.D.G.A.F - Breath Carolina (song)

Alcohol - Millionares (Song)

Scene Girlz - Brokencyde (song)

Freaxx - Brokencyde (song)

Take your shirt off - Millionares (song)

Party like a Millionare - Millionares (song) 

Hello fascination - Breath Carolina (album)

Party in the Grave Yard - Ghost town (album)

Millionares (artist)

Dot Dot curve (artist)

I set my friends on fire (artist)

S3RL (artist)

Brokencyde (artist)

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