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Does anyone know why some of my stamps appear without image?

Yesterday i put some stamps on my profile but today they appear as a white image, maybe is just my internet, does anyone knows why this happens and how to fix it?

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Reply by Gluma


Yeah, your stamps aren't showing on my end, either :o they're showing the typical missing image icon

I don't have a specific solution but here's some things to check:

  • The <a> code you used. Considering your other stamps show up (and assuming you used the same code for them), I don't think the issue is with the image code :0 but still, check to see if you're missing anything in a line (didn't close the tag, accidently deleted a letter, etc.)
  • The image URL you used. Just check if you can go to the stamp's URL normally. In this case, whether it works or not, the issue would seem to lie into whatever website you used for hosting the stamps. Apparently, stamps disappearing is, like, a known problem here...? Idk if it actually is; I just see a lot of posts about that specific issue. Anyway, it just seems like the common root to this problem is usually due to the website you get the URL from, so...don't use that website, haha. If you can download the stamps from the site and use a different image hosting site (ex: PostImages), it should be fine :o my condolences if you can't get the stamps tho

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