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Jesus Christ Is The Only Way To Heaven Eternal Life Every Knee Will Bow & Confess He's Lord

Forum Intro:

This is a discussion about Jesus Christ and anyone is welcome to join whether you're a believer or not but there's going to be truth-telling about Jesus Christ because I am using this as an evangelizing tool to reach people who are lost. 

I like to write because it is the best form of the way I use to talk to people online to do online evangelizing to spread the Gospel Of Christ. 

This is not about a religion it is about a relationship with Jesus Christ and I am open to having civil respectful discussions with both believers and unbelievers. 

Everyone is free to say their feelings but keep in mind that sharing your view and if it doesn't abide by Christian biblical views or you have different views about Jesus or just need to understand who Jesus is to understand salvation and Christianity I will be glad to talk with you about that the best I can with God's strength and His truth. 

This conversation is not being created for fun. 

Jesus is meant to be taken seriously because everyone's salvation is serious for you either go to heaven or hell and I want to warn and make aware as many as possible of the truth of Christ and just to fellowship with any other fellow believers that may join that want to join to help evangelize.

Everyone is made in the image of God and created by the Creator God Jesus Christ and God loves you all and wants you to be saved to spend eternal life with Him because you have a purpose in God and you need to be reconciled to your Creator so you can see you are in Christ and what this life really is and why you're here and why you have life because God is the way, truth, and the LIFE.

God Bless!

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Reply by Pretzle


I rlly appreciate u posting this bc sadly it is rare to find good Christians who help share what God has to say and how he sent his son to die for us. I rlly wish ppl could see God's love for us and how amazing he is bc unfortunately ppl are left with the wrong idea of Jesus and they mock him even tho he loved us all so much he took the punishment we should have gotten 

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Reply by Skrunkly Fops


God bless you, brother. I hope many more souls will come to Christ in this new year of our Lord.

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