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"Email" link in profile - Tip

Today I just want to tell you that I came up with a very interesting and really simple function, I'll tell you, in our SpaceHey profiles we can find a part where it shows the user's links, these are social networks (Facebook, Github, Spotify, etc.) which people usually use, but I would like you to add one more,  Just one more, the email link, you could put your email, people could copy it and send you an email, an extremely simple function, and like the other links, if you don't have an email or you don't want to share it then it won't appear. I'm interested in this feature, as I personally would like to share my email with my friends so they can contact me, it's a simple, small, but useful feature. PLEASE DO IT SPACEHEY TEAM!!!!!!!!

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Reply by inkacorn


AGREED!!!! on my website i just used “mailto:[EMAIL]” so having that as an option on spacehey would be so nice to have 

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