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Windows 10 Wallpaper Change - No One Talks About the

Windows 10 came out on July 29, 2015, and this one came out with a wallpaper like the other previous windows, its wallpaper was a very nice one for me and for many users, its background showed the Windows logo, on a dark blue background where the Windows icon lights up like a whole window,   You can see flashes in the logo, glitter, a simple background, but very well done. The background is this, the classic Windows 10 background:

Windows 10 Classic backgroundThe background can mean many things, as the light in the Windows symbol could signify hope, ease, etc. But as you can see, it's a very beautiful background, the ones from Microsoft seriously who chose the right background for their enigmatic operating system. Here, for example, is a promotional image of Windows 10, showing the desktop along with the iconic open Start menu:

Promotional image of Windows 10

And as you can see, the background is in a dark theme, and in fact the operating system is in dark mode, this background blends very well in dark mode, but we'll talk about that later.

The change of the wallpaper

This is where things change, there was a moment where Microsoft decided to replace the background that I showed you before with a more "minimalist" one, a background which I think is not at the level of the original background, it is a very simple one, it no longer has imposing colors, those shadows, those beautiful brightness in the Windows icon,   Nothing, now it's a light blue color with a gradient, the Windows symbol now shows an even lighter blue, you no longer see depth, it no longer reflects hope that I mentioned earlier, in fact it didn't have that iconic depth anymore, quite a mess. The background itself is this:

Windows 10 new background

But, do you know why they made this change?, well, really the answer is simple, all faith by adaptation, as we can see, the classic background of Windows 10 was in a dark mode, as I said before, while the new one having a light blue, looks better in a light mode, and maybe you didn't know it, but in the beginning windows 10 had a dark mode by default,   But in an update they added the clear mode, but I mean the totally clear mode, not the custom mode, the light mode that Windows 10 brought was what we know today as the custom mode, a mode where the startup, taskbar and action center were in dark mode but the applications were in light mode, and in fact there is still a theme in the customization of Windows 10 that is called only Windows and it is let's say the classic theme but without the classic background. The mode that's really clear is that mode that puts the home, the taskbar, the action center, and applications were in clear mode. The topic itself looks like this:

Windows 10 22h2 desktop

As you may notice, the taskbar and start menu are totally in clear mode and we can see a part of the new windows 10 wallpaper.

Where am I going with all this? The truth is that the background was changed as I already told you by the adaptation of the light mode, they could not leave the classic background in a light theme because in itself the classic background is in dark mode and combining the light mode with the dark mode sometimes looks bad, and if they had left the classic background with the windows in the light mode, this one would have looked horrific because of the color palette.

I think all this happened in the last Windows 10 update, which as of the publication date of this forum is Friday, May 10, 2024, and the last Windows 10 update by Microsoft was 22h2, and it seemed to me that it was there that they changed the theme to light by default and removed the classic background

Which background do you like better, the classic or the new?

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Reply by 786979


wow man you really analyzed the background changes of Windows so passionately. personally, i like the the 2015 background better. i'll like it even better if it's paired with the recent operating system, the light mode one

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Reply by Generic_Dev


Thanks, it took me a long time because really as it says in the title, no one talked about this change, and yes, the 2015 one, the classic Windows 10 background is prettier ;)

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