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Unobtainable dreams

Posted by Jezabel


Forum: Goals, Plans, Hopes

So, for some reasons or others, we all have dreams and goals that feel unobtainable. It can be super hard to face that or let them go. For me, it is my dream of being a therapist for those who could not otherwise afford care. I am disabled and cannot go back to school, succeed in school, or hold a job. So this is way out of my reach. However, it is still my dream and it will always have a special place in my heart. Do y'all have any dreams that feel unobtainable but you can't let go?

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11 Replies

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Reply by Cesar


I think you should go for it! We only live once so why not! 

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Reply by Macky


When i was younger i wanted to become a musician. In particular i wanted to make alt rock but my incompetence at playing musical instruments and my own self worth at playing was so low I gave it up. I dont regret it tbh. Ive learned to make more realistic goals.

Rn my main goal is to get my degree, certifications, and work experience in the IT field so I can move to Australia or any other country. Mainly Australia because I love my partner UwU but ive always wanted to live abroad. I feel like this isnt unobtainable but it will be very difficult but it feels impossible.

Never give up!

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Reply by Helios (he)


You complete 100% of the goals that you don't set!

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Reply by Ramm


@Macky you are one of the most relatable people on this site.

I used to want to be a musician. Then a lawyer, I wanted to specialise in workplace law and represent trade unionists.

Now, I just want to get my heart problem diagnosed and take things from there. I don't know what to do career wise anymore, but IT is an option.

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Reply by gabby


being rich with no job and traveling the world

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Reply by Simonika


I would love to sing and perform on stage, but my voice is so mediocre.... I do not think it will ever happen

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Reply by kieren Cコ:彡


i've always wanted to become an astrobiologist but i have dyscalculia and struggle with math, so it's unlikely i'll ever actually become one....but that won't stop me from making some of my own fictional characters astrobiologists though lol 

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Reply by ottomoth


Nothing is unobtainable for me.

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Reply by J.M. Knight


My unobtainable dream is immortality

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Reply by Whiskiii


This is probably a bit of a downer, but I always wanted to have my mum at my wedding. Simple and clichè, yeah, but it was important to me. Because of her cancer, though, she'll probably never get to see it or any other major events in my life. Hell, she may not even live long enough to see me graduate high school.

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Reply by Seth


Nothing's really impossible unless there's zero chance of it ever coming to fruition. I mean flat zero, zilch, nada - even if there's 0.000000001% chance then it's not impossible. I spent most of my young life believing that my dream of having peace of mind and as few obligations as possible was unobtainable. When I broke it down though, all I need is an "Eff You" position - herein read as enough money and financial stability that I can tell any boss "Eff You" and not face homelessness.

I'm gonna grind for two years in a factory, $20 an hour, eating ramen every night, beans for breakfast and sleep for dinner if need be - I'm gonna take 2/3 of every paycheck, that's about $2,200 a month, and dump it into stocks that payout a monthly dividend. I've set up DRIP (Dividend Re-Investment Program) so that I can get to the point I wanna get to quicker.

After two years I'll have $500 a month from dividends alone, after that I just gotta keep the job a little longer, find a cheap patch of land, accrue 20% of the asking price, use the dividends to pay the monthly payment for however long until it's done - build myself the cheapest underground bunker imaginable so I don't have to care about tornados, yadda yadda yadda.

And then I can sit in my bunker all day, butt ass naked, playing old video games and watching old movies.

And no one will be able to stop me.

Aside from that I'd like to teach like minded individuals that this and things like it are obtainable, so that one day I could hopefully have neighbors who "get it" and won't call the cops over noise complaints or an unmowed lawn.

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