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Ain't people fucking disgusting sometimes?

Posted by ロミ・ドーリ


Forum: Life

I have to deal with so many idiots on my daily routine man, sometimes I wish they had more that one functional braincell. What do you guys think?

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Reply by tulima


this is how i felt throughout my senior year of highschool. i stopped being friends with this one girl because of her constant shit talking habits, and she went around school literally telling people all these disgusting rumors about me. so i know the feeling :( i hope it gets better for you though and those weird ppl leave you alone !!

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Reply by Ame


yeah i feel you, i tend to stay away from a lot of people at school just because from what ive seen, they just dont seem like good people to be around AS WELL AS total idiots

hope stuff gets better for you :)

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