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Liking older people sucks

I have a tendency to fall for people who are older than me. My most recent crush is ten years older than me, and personally I’m chill with that. I’m turning 20 this summer, so legally it’s also okay. But I’m not an idiot. This is a person who has a lot more life experience than me, and in their eyes I’m very young, which is true. 

It sucks cuz I’m not fully matured, so I feel like i have to wait ‘till I’m at least 25 before getting into relationships with people who are older than me.

For context I sometimes find myself eyeing men that are in their late fifties

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Reply by razzmatazz


I relate SO BAD!! I just got out of a relationship with an 18 year age gap lol. She is 40, I'm 22F. I find myself being attracted to older people all the time, I think it has something to do with obsessively reading historical romance at a young age lol. It's a tricky dating field. Like, all my friends who are around my age found our relationship to be creepy/predatory even though we were both very consenting adults. We broke up because I found it frustrating that I was doing all the cleaning/cooking/working while she sat around getting high all day. I thought that since she was much older that we would have a really mature and well balanced relationship, but that was unfortunately not true :( 

Be very mindful of power balance in age gap relationships!!! It's important that neither of you are more dependent on the other, or else it becomes an unsatisfactory and borderline dangerous relationship. If the older partner has more power/authority it can def lead to some abusive situations.

There's nothing wrong with being attracted to older people, and most older people find it quite flattering when you flirt with them lol. Just be mindful and careful of relationship dynamics! 

If you have any more questions or need specific advice hmu!!

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Reply by xxRebellious_Emmaxx


I'm 18 and same. The one thing nobody ever tells you about being an old soul is just how hard getting into a relationship is as an old soul compared to your typically immature peers.

I HATE it when people frown upon larger age gaps in relationships between 2 CONSENTING ADULTS WHO ARE BOTH 18+. We as a society need to erase the stigma in cases like this. If you're old enough to join the military, be held accountable for every single crime you commit, vote, and give consent in all 50 states, then I really don't see why it should be frowned upon to date other ADULTS who just so happen to be more than only a few years older/younger than you.

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