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A lecture on self care

Posted by ☆Spacehey artist☆


Forum: Goals, Plans, Hopes

Self care. oh boy where do I start; I know social media has practically dragged this word quite a bit and tosses it around like a group of bullies tossing a toy that the one kid wants to play with.

  when it comes to the word self care all I can think of at the top of my head is a woman spending eight hundred dollars on skincare, facial, makeup and paddle ball clothes that'll be long forgotten by the 'now trending world' the second a new thing comes up and another thing is seen as immediately old and unpopular and the poor woman gets shamed for it. honestly the way social media affects what's 'popular' and what isn't completely baffles me: there are things straight from the 90's-00's that're making a comeback and my family and I aren't surprised about it since we've kinda grew up on those things.

social media as well as self care is fueled on three factors:

  1. Consumerism
  2. Peer pressure
    It's clear as day how they tie into each other, think about it: let's give an example.

 let's say you saw your friends with the popular flip phones ya know the Kyocera 701kc, LG smart F440, Samsung galaxy fold 2 and so on. they're raving about how cute they are, the feature and the sweet sweet feeling of having a cute retro flip phone they can decorate to fit their aesthetics so now you want one and yo start the investment and as the days go by you save up the money and buy one off ebay and decide to show it off only for them to call it outdated and say otherwise. of course they could also say it still looks cute or whatever else.

   Now back to self care: I feel like that's what this s sort of except now five year old's are scared to age and honestly something people take for granted is that aging is a beautiful thing and there's nothing wrong with hiding it but you need to draw the line as to how much skincare and products you want to coverup how much you're aging.  so you're probably wondering why I just gave you a whole ass economic lecture and want me to get to the main point...so i'll get to the main point.

  As of now I am intending to do my own actual self care by starting small and progressing later on. this falls back into one of my other forum. I'm hoping to fond some things that help with eczema, sensitive skin and scars, as for my self care I'm hoping to do it for four months starting this month but I intend to take it slow and steady then move onto the bigger things as I go. again please leave suggestions in comments

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5 Replies

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Reply by TEFLON


cocks my hip. unrelated but I want to say I LOVE YOUR PROFILE PICTURE !! I can smell a Warriors fan when I see one.

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Reply by ☆Spacehey artist☆


:O hai warriors pookie

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Reply by Gluma


Somewhat related, but I don’t like how self-care is synonymous with beauty :/ like, back when the term was really at its peak, any ad that had the term was automatically a skincare/beauty product. And I’m sure that still applies today.

I’m not saying skincare can’t be self-care or anything, but it’s just...weird how the beauty/skincare industry kinda just latched onto that term. The skeptic in me is wondering if it’s a way for an industry to capitalize on a person’s well-being :o which...isn’t like it hasn’t happened before LMAO

As for suggestions, I don’t have any, unfortunately u_u but I wanted to say that I’ve also been trying to get into taking better care of my skin! Emphasis on trying, though...it’s a bit on-and-off rn, haha... Still, I’ve been using some exfoliating scrubs, eye masks, and a serum to combat my acne and possibly make my skin healthier/cleaner  so I could actually try doing makeup on my face once and for all :p I had 3 makeup appointments cancel on me right before an event and I’m traumatized enough to the point I convinced myself I gotta learn how to do makeup myself LOLOLOL does that even count as self-care

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Reply by joint


this is what self-care means to me:

  • making sure i eat 3 meals a day (with snacks)

  • making sure i drink enough water

  • making sure i set boundaries with others (when and if appropriate)

  • get exercise when i can, but making sure not to overdo it and go at my own pace

  • doing daily meditations and stretches to keep my mind and body ready to work

  • getting at least 8 hours of sleep when i can

  • brushing my teeth, flossing

  • allowing myself adequate time to decompress and relax

  • allowing myself treats

  • allowing myself time to process emotions such as sadness, anger, grief, and pain

to me, almost none of my self-care involves beauty products. it definitely can, as i am autistic and have certain sensory needs that must be met (i.e. choosing the right soap products, keeping my skin from drying out, etc.) but it isnt a focal point. i honestly didnt know there were some people who think self-care is only about their skin. what about the rest of your body? your mind, your heart, your teeth, your body?

of course i dont achieve perfect self-care every single day but i am working on my routine.

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Reply by ☆Spacehey artist☆


I full on agree coming from someone who also has autism. for me the word self care is caring for yourself in a bodily and emotional stand point and I feel like skincare is entirley seperate but nowadays it feels like people combined the two

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