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windows vista frame css

idk how to create a frame (in css only) that looks like this

im having a real hard time with the like the glare it has and the general roundness of the square okay so basically the whole thing, if any1 could help tyyy

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Reply by Gluma


I’m no CSS expert, but that may be a bit much to do with only CSS, haha...

There are rounded borders (ex: {borders: 2px rounded black}) and you can increase their thickness, but that’s all I got lol I have no idea how to replicate a glare

I’d suggest possibly using the border as a pfp mask, instead. I, er, don’t really have much experience with coding pfp masks, but there’s a lot of layouts that have the code for them and they all seem to use similar codes so it shouldn’t be too hard to figure out what does what (my first thought was to get a transparent image of the Windows border, get the image’s URL, and replace a layout code with that LOL)

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Reply by Osakafan420


@Gluma yea i might just use an image of sorts instead lol,,, tho i think this may be possible with just css but man its gonna take a lot work

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