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anyone elses images just dissapearing

Posted by ghuleh


Forum: SpaceHey

so uhm if you look at my profile you can.. clearly see al my images are gone, the image links arent broken so i dont rlly understand whats going on is this happening to anyone else?

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Reply by Gluma


It looks fine to me? Idk if there’s supposed to be an image in your background or not but for everything else, I don’t see anything out of place. Your contact icons, custom logo, snowflakes, and stamps are all visible :0

PS: remember to put the <style> tags in your about me so the code itself isn’t visible!

Edit: oh lmao you’re online don’t mind the PS then lol

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Reply by ghuleh


yeah! i've been working all morning to fix it but when i logged in this morning absolutely everything was gone off my page lol

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