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Give song recommendations

Posted by CloudXD_Sirius


Forum: Music

I’ve been listening to the same songs over and over again for the last few days and its getting a lil’ repetitive (duh) so i want some song recs, anything rlly, im not genrephobic.

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Reply by Hope Jones


i'll throw a couple current faves your way! i listen to a lot of genres so just let me know if you want more :D 

space time by delta heavy (drum n bass)

humans are such easy prey by perturbator (synthwave)

never fight a man with a perm by idles (post-punk)

cicatriz esp by the mars volta (prog rock)

sorry you're not a winner by enter shikari (post-hxc)

be the one by eli brown (edm)

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Reply by 142durandal


lazy comet polvo. Cool math rock

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