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text alignment ! ! [closed]

Posted by cay


Forum: Web, HTML, Tech

can i align some of my text left and some of it right  . .. . ? or is it all or nothin :( preferably without the space that <p> gives but im workin on learnin how to get over that

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Reply by Gluma


While I don’t have an confident answer, I’d suggest posting this question + your other one in the HTML Group on here! Your questions seem like ones the people there might be knowledgeable on :0

Text-align is a property you can use for classes. So, I’d assume you would be able to do it separately for different sections of your profile, I think.


.profile .blurbs .section:nth-child(2) {

text-align: right;


.profile .blurbs .section:nth-child(1) {

text-align: center;


would make the People Who I’d Like To Meet text align to the right while the About Me text is centered.

If you wanna do text aligning with the tables or something, I’m way outta luck with that lol I’m sure you can do it, just...a bit more complicated, maybe

I don’t really know what you mean by the space <p> gives, though. If you mean, like, an additional spacebar space in a paragraph, you’d just have the simply delete that extra space within the <p> code. Ex: <p> This has an extra space at the beginning of the sentence. All you’d need to do is delete it and make sure there’s no space between the paragraph and the tag</p> (<— like that)

Dunno if that’s what you meant, though

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Reply by cay


eek thnk you ! i was talkin bout the margins when you use <p>

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