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HTML online playlist as an audio source?

Posted by Motte


Forum: Web, HTML, Tech

I should probably ask in like a dedicated html/old web forum and not spacehey but. here i am

I want to put an audio player on my site. I have one already on my neocities, and the code is laid out like this basically:

        <img id="player" src="PNG"
  <audio id="audio" loop>
    <source src="THIS IS WHAT I WANNA KNOW ABOUT :(">
      function buttonClick() {
        document.getElementById('player').onclick = notButtonClick;
      function notButtonClick() {
        document.getElementById('player').onclick = buttonClick;

not too complicated i don't think. but i don't want to have to download an individual mp3 for each song and upload them one-by-one, I'd rather have like a playlist hosted somewhere that I can just swap songs out of and have them automatically update on my site. afaik though the only src you can put in an <audio> tag though is mp3 (or whatever the fuck ogg is), is there some way i can re-work this to make it link to some other site or link to a collection of mp3s somehow?

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2 Replies

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Reply by Code/L0gic


I don't know it's what you need, but you could use a Spotify playlist, Spotify automatically generates the code to add the playlist to the page so it would just be copy and paste 

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Reply by Motte


does it just open spotify within the page itself, like an iframe?

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