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My english class (we talk about spooky things)

So. My english teacher told us that she has had many paranormal experiences. It started from birth, since her mother had never had any experience like that, but when she became pregnant with her, weird things began to happen (shadows, sounds and things like that). But the most important thing she has told us is that she has sleep paralysis almost every night, and that about a year ago her aunt died and a shaman was at the funeral. She and a cousin began to talk to him and the old man just looked at her and told her that the demon that tormented her was an incubus. She hadn't told him anything bout the sleep paralysis. She also said that when they arrived at the dead aunt's house, while they were opening the door, she saw a shadow moving away down the road, towards the night.

However, about the incubus. Recently she told us that during the night she got up to go to the bathroom and turned on the light, nothing strange happened. but when she returned to her bed, she noticed four dirty footprints on the bed. two of the footprints, like those of animals, with claws and very large. the others, human, and bigger than her feet (she was also wearing socks) A classmate did not believe her until she showed him a photo she had taken, where the footprints were visible. 

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Reply by maverick


Another girl in the class said that she went with her sister and her sister's boyfriend to a camp. The campsite was very lonely (there was no one but them) and there were no houses nearby. There were about four tables and three swings in the place. Also, about twenty meters from where they were there was a ravine. When they arrived, a man greeted them and offered them a tour, and they accepted because they thought he was an employee of the place. He took them through the forest and told them that many people had committed suicide there and that things were said about the place. Anyway, they returned to the camp around 5 in the afternoon and the man said goodbye to them and returned to the forest, but not along the road, but in the middle of the trees.

It was getting dark fast but they stayed there. At one point the sister and the boyfriend sat at the table and the girl went to the swing and started swinging. After a while she realized how the swing next to her moved at the same time as her, and not as if it were moved by the wind, but by a person. She got scared and got off the swing and the other one kept moving. She told her sister and they told the boyfriend that they needed to leave now. Then they began to put everything away and before leaving she and her sister looked towards the ravine. Then, a white figure appeared almost at the bottom of the ravine and began to walk, but looking at them. Although they couldn't see the eyes, they knew it was looking at them. They went to the boyfriend and got into the car and left quickly.

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Reply by noft72


Concerning this sister story us in Islam we  believe in the existence of other creatures that sre the jinn who live in another dimension they can show up sometimes as the form of animals or ppl shadows but we can never see them if you're interested you should definitely look into it

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Reply by noft72


Concerning this sister story us in Islam we  believe in the existence of other creatures that sre the jinn who live in another dimension they can show up sometimes as the form of animals or ppl shadows but we can never see them if you're interested you should definitely look into it

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Reply by noft72


Concerning this sister story us in Islam we  believe in the existence of other creatures that sre the jinn who live in another dimension they can show up sometimes as the form of animals or ppl shadows but we can never see them if you're interested you should definitely look into it

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