HI EVERYONE I MADE 2 MORE COMICS!! here's my comics page on my website btw. trying to put as much on there as i can but between all my other goals and aspirations its a lot DX i also made a few new graphics for my website to make it feel more alive n stuff
N E WAYZZZ! this one is called The Future of Dogwalking is Digital, and its abt a world taken over by robots and AI! the main character is the last dogwalker, named Walker XDD its only 8 pages but i might do a sequel of some sort bc the concept is rlly fun to me!
the other comic i've made since the last time i've written here is called Lie in Your Diary, and it's going to be a collection of mini comics about important moments in my life, like a diary! i only have one rlly short one out so far, but i'm working hard on the second one and already have rough ideas for like 5 of them!! i might reformat this page and my comics page at some point, but i'll have to think of a better way to display everything. coding is so hard DX
tl;dr: i made two comics and more art for my website. if you read them, i hope you like em.
thx 4 reading <33