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Using Slowly for Pen Pals

Posted by angelic.exe


Forum: Friends

Hi I'm Izzy, and I've been using "Slowly" as a means of online pen-palling people and I love it so much! I saw a video on TikTok about it and thought "why but try it out?" And a couple days later I'm loving it!

To give the illusion of offline pen-palling, it takes hours to deliver your letter to someone. For example, I have a friend in Brazil and it takes around 6 hours for her to receive my letter!

You can collect stamps as well! 

If you want to have pen pals and want it online, you should try Slowly. It's an app, so I have it on my phone!

・⁠・⁠・link to Slowly 

・⁠・⁠・link of the video/slideshow I saw on TikTok 

If you do get the app, you could add me and we could be penpals! My Slowly ID is V3LW66B! 

Thank you for reading! 

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Reply by bovertigo


oooo im totally downloading this!! i think i saw something like it a bit ago but I got lazy on downloading it 

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