I mean, editing your profile requires you to know at least the basics of HTML codes and how they work :o whether that's easy or not is entirely up to your personal opinion. But as someone who has also made my profile from scratch, I'll say that you'll be pretty much stealing using codes provided by other people, so don't stress about having to write every single code yourself, haha! However, knowing the basic stuff, like how to add images and change colors, is pretty important, nonetheless.
I'm not a great teacher but there's been a lot of blogs on here that tackle profile editing! For example, this post has a lot of links to blogs that give code and explain what they specifically change in your profile. You can look other blogs up (on Google. I don't really recommend using the Spacehey search bar for that lol)! The HTML Group on here is also very helpful; just post a question there and I'm sure someone might have an answer for you. The Group page also has a guide of basic HTML codes, along with other stuff that may be useful to you as you learn more about coding (ex: the profile diagram REALLY helped me! It covers almost all the parts of your profile, which is really good if you want to change a specific section)
One other helpful advice is to look at layout codes, actually! Some layout codes provide comments within them that talk about what a line of code does. You can also use a layout and mess around with it, changing parts of the code purely for experimenting!
Good luck on your profile coding!