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How do I add blinkies from blinkie cafe?

Posted by ~Grace~


Forum: Web, HTML, Tech

I know how to add them in a general sense but whenever I upload them from blinkie cafe to giphy or imgur and then put them on my profile they never show up? They only ever show up when I upload the link straight from blinkie cafe but only for an hour or two before disappearing or changing into a different blinkie. Does anyone know how to fix this? (Sorry if I'm not making sense)

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According to SpaceHey's twitter, it looks like imgur possibly might have blocked SpaceHey since there have been too many requests coming from here. There's always the alternative Catbox.moeΒ which I regularly use for random image hosting. I got it working on my profile. Good luck β•°( ̄ω ̄o)

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