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pet encounters?

okay, so storytime. a while back, my 16 day old kitten ramune passed away in my arms after its mama rejected it for being the runt. it was a horrible time and i felt like utter garbage, my mom and i buried it in the backyard.

later that night, i was watching youtube videos to try and feel better and my mom walked in. we both noticed the impression of something on the corner of my bed, roughly the size of ramune, but there was nothing there to cause it. already having supernatural belief, i reached out and it was quite warm there. i gently picked up the warm energy and there was weight to it, exactly how ramune had felt.

i passed it to my mother, who has more supernatural experience than me, and she agreed that ramune was visiting to say goodbye. we both cried like babies and i situated myself so that ramune was next to me while i slept. in the morning, ramune was gone, and since then sometimes my adult cat plays like there's another cat there even though you can't see anything.

has anyone else had a pet visit them?

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Reply by Luci


Aweh.. Little baby wanted to see you one last time.. ;(

We don't deserve cats </3

Rest in peace little Ramune!! xoxo

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Reply by www.eden.com


you're right, we really don't deserve cats. but even though ramune's time on earth was brief, i know i was able to give ramune comfort in the end and that they're in a better place now, so that's enough for me to make peace with what happened. plus since they play with my living pets, i know they aren't lonely or bored <3

thank you for your sweet response ^^

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Reply by MK.Ruthless
