howdy howdy !
can't say i listen to it nearly as much today but i was obsessed with antifolk stuff from my freshmen year of high school up until i was 21 or so .
my favorites included :
- adam green's garfield album
- jeffrey lewis' album the last time i did acid i went insane
- anything by daniel johnston (his frankenstein love live album is a good intro ! )
- songs about girls by the band lesbian poetry (or less poetry)
- the album medium place by logan greene (i was a volunteer at his diy space for a good bit , hes the sweetest)
- cannonball statman's live on the independent tour 2015 album (if ur looking for something more experimental n noisy)
- big lousy moon album by phoebe kreutz
- its only right and natural by the frogs (heads up, some questionable lyrics even if its satirical)
- bad turnip by billy mack collector
- i'll be happy too by blood girl (my favorite album ever ! check it out ! )
- swear i saw your mouth move by ive made too much pasta (silly furry tunes)
- its like our little machine album by foot ox
- 1st imaginary symphony for nomad by the music tapes
- ramoncita light by eden arnold / carousel museim
- sick trans glourious moonbeam by reverent marigold
- exhumation of princess pavement by june henry
- burn trailer down im not coming back by dana skully and the tiger sharks
- songs on the brink of a nervous breakdown by meeeee :3 (gnoolie ! i make some antifolk music too ! ^^ )
hope you find something you like !
merry listening !