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Book recs!!!

I've been reading a lot of YA true crime/murder mystery novels lately, and I've been getting kinda bored of it so I was looking  for romance novels to try out but most of them seem to be a kind of boring.. but I don't have much experience in reading romance so if you guys know of any romance books that aren't boring and have a little action and drama and plot-twistery then please please please tell me bc I need smth to read lol :p 

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Reply by magicka


hello !! i dont know if this would be what you are looking for, but i adored this is how you lose the time war by amal el-mohtar and max gladstone. its novel in the form of letters by two agents from  opposite sides who initially are just trying to secure the best future for their respective factions in a world thats turning into ashes, but then find something else interferes (..romance..).

its been a couple of years since i read it but it totally left a lasting impact on me, the perfect mix of giggling and crying ! i really extremely recommend :)

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Reply by ⚠☆Delurlur☆WHATS HAPPENING🚫⚠


TYSM FOR THE SUGGETSION MAGICKA!! I will defo look it up it sounds really interesting ^_^

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Reply by magicka


ofc, let me know what you think if you ever give it a try !!!

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Reply by novallii


hiya :D i just finished reading a book called "Hani and Ishu's guide to fake dating" by Adiba Jaigirdar. im not sure if its what you might be into, but it does have quite abit of drama in it. it gets way more interesting at around the middle and end of the book. i literally couldnt put it down, even if i tried.

brief explanation :3 :

hani and ishu are 5th year students ( both 17 ) born in ireland, but with many cultural differences that you would normally see in ireland. ishu is practically a study machine, while hani is more focused on fitting in with her friends.

if you want, i could give a deeper explanation, but it might spoil the book. i could honestly ramble about this book for ages.

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Reply by ⚠☆Delurlur☆WHATS HAPPENING🚫⚠


ill defo give it a try!! it reminds me of the boys of tommen series which I highly recommend :) TYSMMM!! X3

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