Hi my family and I just moved to Hawaii a year a go and I literally don't have any friends. Which I didn't mind at all last year cause of covid, but I'm so lonely now. My husband works a 9-5 for the military and I just chill at home with my 4 year old and puppy. So... with that being said. Add me if you wanna be friends, and even if you're not in Hawaii add me cause I like to talk to strangers about life. Just as long as you're not one of those racists/mysogynistics/creepers/child molesters/ animal abuser types.
« Friends Forum
wanna be friends? Hawaii and other places too
Also if you love Kamala Harris and believe in BLM, believe that BIPOC should have equal rights, and or are a member of the LGBTQ community or you're an ally we're probably gonna get along just fine. Also if you hate capitalism in the US bc you think it's so corrupt and fascist then we'll have a lot to talk about LOL.