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How to get into the wild life? (trigger waring?)

Posted by Em


Forum: Parties and Nightlife

Hello! I have talked about this before but it only got one comment , it was a good comment and I thought about it a lot but id defiantly like some more perspective. 

I feel and fear like I am wasting my youth, that soon ill be too old to be able to do dumb shit and have those "young wild adventure stories" and ll also have to focus on jobs and education

I wanna do something Fun and exciting!!! something I can laugh and relish about with my friends or company.

as you can probably tell already I am young I am still in high school.

and I live in Dublin, in my school there's a bunch of smokers ( I mean  kids who take LSD ,weed , ecstasy, alcohol and people who sell them I believe)

and my friend always comes back to school with a fresh crazy story from the weekend of the last time he was in the city high and he always has the biggest smile when talking about it and has become much more popular since smoking. honestly I am kinda jealous. 

but I also have my best friend who got into that stuff after trying to end herself and she had to be brought to a mental hospital so I saw how it can effect someone.

and I know an easy way into this type of life is yk drugs and alcohol, but I don't EVER want to do drugs or alcohol, at least till I am at least in my 40s or something. one time my friend handed me a vape trying to get me to try it and I held it in my hands and tears welded up in my eyes just thinking about actually taking a hit of it. I don't mind if anyone else dose it but at the same time I won't encourage it , but if my friend is already into it ,ill be fine talking to them about it. 

I can have fun without that stuff right? I find great joy from simple things sometimes.

but when I tell my friends who are into it that I don't want to, they seem almost disappointed.

I wanna go to a crazy party, go explore an abandoned building, or get into a stupid fight.

but I am not a roadman, person who dose or sell drugs , or someone who gossips and gets connections

and I don't wanna be 

so what do you guys suggest ?

should I just cut my luck here, stop being delusional and stay in my place as the weird ,unfunny, dumb boring girl and just focus on my education.

or is there something I can do to get me into 'that group' or 'that party' and actually have my self some memorable fun

honestly give me some tips or anything because this has been on my mind for while.

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4 Replies

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Reply by the new leaves


oh there is so much about life that you haven't seen, felt, or healed from yet

you seem too scared to take risks, and that is not a bad thing. but every risk that you take will leave you feeling more confident, and every risk that turns south will become a new lesson.

you don't need to try drugs at all, but you shouldn't be scared of them either. you also don't need to feel pressured to try things as soon as possible. your friends all seem like thrill chasers, who will get themselves into absurd situations to tell about it later- but all of the background characters to their stories, the people that troublemakers don't notice or bother to include in their stories, will see them as a completely obnoxious ass or something.

so yeah, you really don't need to chase things that look thrilling. they will come to you eventually, but only if you let them. let opportunities wash over you, and when you are less intimidated, you will say yes to something that someone offers you- and it will be fucking great and awesome and exciting and new, and oh my god you should never never ever ever EVER! ever do something that you don't want to, just because you have the urge to accumulate stories. those situations usually become stories that i am ashamed to tell.

your life is wonderful. don't rush it :)

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Reply by benny // whalefall


i second this ^^^ honestly, it's my belief that you can get into any "wild" shit you want when you are ready to let it in

and it can be any type of wild, only you define you

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Reply by andross



you will never "need" drugs or alcohol to do something fun and exciting. you seem young, but you are also very wise. you know exactly what you do and don't want from life. you don't let people push you into things you arent ready for. i can't say i did the same when i was your age. true adventure comes from spontaneity. saying 'yes' to an invite you normally wouldnt take. choosing a different road to walk home. you say you find great joy in simple things, and this is where that memorable fun you're looking for is. people will come your way in time who will remind you exactly how fun it can be to be sober. 

you are not weird, or unfunny, or unpopular. you just know who you are, and you don't need to find escapism in recreational drugs. this being said, i'm going to give you some advice as a 23 year old stoner that i wish i had heard at your age. 

have some fun, but primarily, be careful, and listen to your body. find out if addiction, alcohol or substances, and especially mental illness is in your family tree. having that knowledge ahead of time will be your guide. moderation is key. don't take anything a stranger hands you. in fact, a rule of thumb i keep is not to use anything that doesnt come from the dirt (meaning like mushrooms or weed only). even then, test kits are available and important.

you've seen personally how slippery of a slope drug use can be firsthand. all this to say. you have a good head on your shoulders. pursue your interests and breathe in life to the fullest extent. don't be afraid to experiment, but make sure you trust the people around you. do it because it's your decision. anyone who convinces you to do drugs is not your friend.

best of luck. stay in school. ivan

ps- don't vape or smoke cigs. ever. i did it for four years and finally kicked it three months ago. its a waste of money at best, and it kills you at worst. no benefit.

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Reply by ella wella


everyone saying you dont need drugs/alc is right!!! im a senior, and one of my best friends is completely sober and doesnt drink/do drugs, while most of our other friends smoke and drink sometimes. the key is putting yourself out there to find friends who you click super well with and who are understanding. nobody judges my friend for staying sober- if youre able to be DD theyll love u even more lol

my point is to find the right people, and focus on the moment instead of if you're doing things right

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