Hello! I have talked about this before but it only got one comment , it was a good comment and I thought about it a lot but id defiantly like some more perspective.
I feel and fear like I am wasting my youth, that soon ill be too old to be able to do dumb shit and have those "young wild adventure stories" and ll also have to focus on jobs and education
I wanna do something Fun and exciting!!! something I can laugh and relish about with my friends or company.
as you can probably tell already I am young I am still in high school.
and I live in Dublin, in my school there's a bunch of smokers ( I mean kids who take LSD ,weed , ecstasy, alcohol and people who sell them I believe)
and my friend always comes back to school with a fresh crazy story from the weekend of the last time he was in the city high and he always has the biggest smile when talking about it and has become much more popular since smoking. honestly I am kinda jealous.
but I also have my best friend who got into that stuff after trying to end herself and she had to be brought to a mental hospital so I saw how it can effect someone.
and I know an easy way into this type of life is yk drugs and alcohol, but I don't EVER want to do drugs or alcohol, at least till I am at least in my 40s or something. one time my friend handed me a vape trying to get me to try it and I held it in my hands and tears welded up in my eyes just thinking about actually taking a hit of it. I don't mind if anyone else dose it but at the same time I won't encourage it , but if my friend is already into it ,ill be fine talking to them about it.
I can have fun without that stuff right? I find great joy from simple things sometimes.
but when I tell my friends who are into it that I don't want to, they seem almost disappointed.
I wanna go to a crazy party, go explore an abandoned building, or get into a stupid fight.
but I am not a roadman, person who dose or sell drugs , or someone who gossips and gets connections
and I don't wanna be
so what do you guys suggest ?
should I just cut my luck here, stop being delusional and stay in my place as the weird ,unfunny, dumb boring girl and just focus on my education.
or is there something I can do to get me into 'that group' or 'that party' and actually have my self some memorable fun
honestly give me some tips or anything because this has been on my mind for while.