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looking for a breakdown on forum etiquitte

the days of forums being the place to chat on the internet were a bit before my time. most guides i can find online are for specifically an academic setting. 

most forum interaction seems fairly intuitive, but if anybody out there has been on forums for a long time (especially if you remember like, 90s-00s forum culture and have seen it evolve) and know about any social faux pas could you leave a list? 

(i remember the first time i tried to use reddit every comment i made was just greeted with people saying "wall of text" or "im not reading all that." because i didnt know people tried to keep things like a paragraph or less. id like to avoid doing something similar here if possible yaknow?)

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Reply by overcomplexification


most of the people saying "wall of text" or "i ain't reading all that" are kids with a terrible attention span, ignore them.

if you can summarize your idea in a couple of paragraphs, that's good. but if it's absolutely necessary to write more, then feel free to do so.

PD: keep in mind that the forum section of this website is kinda dead. if you ask a question, it might take hours or days before anyone gives you an answer.

PD2: this isn't reddit, write as much as you want.

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Reply by Gluma


I'm not really qualified to give tips because I was definitely not old enough to be active during the old-internet era LMAO but I've been here for some time and it's pretty much what the first reply said: be patient with replies. Also, I don't think you can tag/@ people on here, which means people won't get notifs from forum discussions (except if you're the OP) and therefore you just have to really hope they frequently check the forum post lol. Though, I've had someone directly message me about a forum reply I made and I didn't personally mind it. Don't know if that's standard forum etiquette but if that's your cup of tea, it's one way to get someone's attention, haha.

I just wanted to say how much I DESPISE THOSE STUPID "not reading all of that" COMMENTS AAAAAAA As someone who LOVES to type a lot, I get so offended by that. oh, im so sorry you're unable to read 3 paragraphs my bad smh. Anyway, yeah, you can type all you want here BUT fuck anyone online who says that and type your wall of texts anywhere else, too! Not related to forums but I write unorganized essays in my bulletins and people love to read them so there's definitely people who actually read what you type, dw

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