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My messy theory: Mike isn’t the bad guy and Tenna is the knight

So, I’m not that good at explaining but I feel the need 2 share my theory anyways. I’ve been going around the spamton sweepstakes website for a bit and found a secret where if you click on the spamton engraved wedding ring and click on the “[It hurts! It hurts!]”, it’ll take you to a secret website where it’s pretty much spamton ranting abt tenna, I swear I remember him saying something like “HE SHOULDNT BE THE ONE HAVING THOSE [[Vacation days]]” I think im having a deju vu moment cuz apparently I remember it being like that (maybe they changed it?? Also note that in the game if u ask abt the knight he says smth like “TAKE A GODDAMN VACATION STRAIGHT TO HELL” idk my memory is fuzzy), so maybe Tenna is the knight?? And I also think I remember that if you scroll down in the “damn you tenna” website he says “EXCEPT… MIKE…”. Idk, I’m rlly sorry, maybe it’s my mind playing tricks on me again. Oh and spamton shop looks like the light world (with the clouds and the sky and the sun) could Mike be a lightner or does spamton somehow know ant the light world??

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