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How can I edit “Edit my profile” button??

Posted by CyberEMO? ХЗ


Forum: Web, HTML, Tech

I’m editing my profile now so I’ve noticed many layouts have edited “Edit my profile” button. How can I edit it? 

(Sorry if u noticed some mistakes, english isn’t my first language >.<)

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Reply by Gluma


I unfortunately don't really have an answer but:

If it's a thing you've noticed on layouts, maybe you can get the layout code and look through it from there? Personally, I would dissect the code and delete parts of it until I find a line that actually affects the button. From there, you should just mess around to see what code does what.

If the creator of the layout code is active, you could try just messaging them about it, too!

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Reply by Gluma



.profile-info is the code thingy for the box

For example, if you want to make the box green, you'd write this:


.profile-info {

background-color: green;



Basically, you just treat it as any other section on your profile :)

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