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Blog Coding?

Hey!! I see a lot of coding help with profiles but not a lot when it comes to blogs. I know they work the same way, but there are different aspects to edit that are confusing for me as a beginner.  Any tutorials or help out there? Thank youuuu!!!!

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Reply by Gluma


Don't think there's a specific blog tutorial here, but there are blog layouts! You can look through the code in those layouts and mess around with it, finding out what does what. The HTML Group is also open, where you can ask questions about that sort of thing.

There's also this website that you can test out blog coding! You're gonna need to write the code itself, but I personally use it to test out if certain code works for things other than my profile (ex: the same code is used for changing the SpaceHey logo, no matter if it's your profile or a bulletin).

Another thing could be to just...ask someone, haha. If you see a blog that has a lot of fancy stuff in it, it wouldn't hurt to send the poster a message or a comment asking what code they used for it. You may not always get a response but better to try than not at all!

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Reply by FRANKIE


thank you!

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