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Where do you find inspiration to write?

I've been in a writing block lately, and when that happens, I usually look to something for inspiration. I think it would be cool if we shared our Sources of inspiration, so we can help each other to keep writing!

I'll start: I like watching the sunset, it gives me a lot of inspiration.

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Reply by Lady of The Flies


I often find going out in nature helps me with my creative blocks :) ! Taking a walk, going to the lake/beach, sitting in the park, anything to just let the mind relax and reset.  I like to take what I call “observation walks” where I walk slowly, taking my time to really observe the word around me. If something comes to  me then I’ll write it down.

Pinterest is another great place if you’re not in the mood for walking! I’ve fond quite a bit of inspo there! 

These are just my strategies lol! But mostly inspiration comes in moments you least expect it :)

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Reply by vampirix


there is inspiration in everything! i've found that it's easier to write when i go out in the world and actively observe it. this means:

- thinking about the scenery around you when you're in the passenger seat (car, bus or otherwise)

- write about what's stopping you from writing! what are the material conditions that make it difficult? (overstimulation, work, school, etc)

- write about your place in the world! how do you interact with it? how does it interact with you? human connection is an absolute gift to any writer

that's how i tend to get the cogs turning! i hope this helps and wish you the best of luck

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