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Is MCR emo?

Posted by Bana


Forum: mcr fans!!!! Group

I already know some of you are gonna be annoyed by this question but I wanna know your opinions. Do you think MCR is considered emo? I know the band does not consider themselves to be emo, but I feel like they've had a big impact on the emo community and stuff. What do u think?

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Reply by f3ral_gh0st X__x


i think there's a difference between music that's "culturally emo" and music that's part of a "real emo genre". like there's stuff that musically fits into a far more narrow genre but then there's other stuff that has had an impact on the emo subculture or is associated with it heavily, like mcr - my emo playlist is full of music that would make gatekeepers foam at the mouth XD but yeah, i think that mcr fit into the emo subculture but musically they aren't whatever ppl think "real emo" is, whether that's the uhh dc 80s hardcore scene? or whatever it is

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