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someone explain the whole yesterweb drama without sounding vague and prentious like some bad video essayist challenge !!!!

Posted by ⭐joyfulstarr⭐


Forum: Reclaiming the Internet Group

seriously what happened i dont fucking understand pretend im five please

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Reply by Carboniferous


Leaders sucked, group collapsed (I think)

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Reply by EngiQu33ring


It's not "drama," it's the same thing that happens to a lot of these groups: the leaders created something cool and when it took off they wanted things to be the same as they were when it was just them and their friends doing it. They got paranoid the "web3" people were going to co-opt the movement (they weren't) and when they got frustrated that bringing a bunch of different people together caused minor conflicts, they refused to step down gracefully and decided to just delete everything instead.

Basically they went "I want a large community but I don't want the responsibilities or difficulties associated" and instead of passing the role of community leader along they just burned it all down.

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Reply by ⭐joyfulstarr⭐


Oh thank Engi that makes sense the few things ive read about before seem to be making too much outta the situation and trying to paint her as some massive villain its strange 
hope shes doing well maby hopfully she will come back and and give some people moderation roles but the commnity seems fine regardless 

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It's not "drama," it's the same thing that happens to a lot of these groups: the leaders created something cool and when it took off they wanted things to be the same as they were when it was just them and their friends doing it. They got paranoid the "web3" people were going to co-opt the movement (they weren't) and when they got frustrated that bringing a bunch of different people together caused minor conflicts, they refused to step down gracefully and decided to just delete everything instead.

Basically they went "I want a large community but I don't want the responsibilities or difficulties associated" and instead of passing the role of community leader along they just burned it all down.

It's worded a bit harshly but yeah this is essentially what happened. Here's what they said on the homepage:
Unable to find sufficient organizers to handle this growth, the organizers went on strike against the community in January 2023, closed down the Discord server in February 2023, and closed down the forum on May 1st, 2023.


On May 1st, 2023, the Yesterweb core organizers will cease all community-building activities with the closure of the self-hosted forum. This is our experience-summation of online community-building.

In short, the rapid growth of the community (in contrast to the slow growth of organizers) as well as the unexpected increase in offline responsibilities of the organizers led to fatigue and burnout, unsustainable community standards, and a gradual decline in quality of the social spaces. This occurred primarily in the Discord server (closed in February 2023) but the same symptoms began to appear in the forum.

We have decided it best to put the organization on indefinite hiatus so that we could recover and leave the possibility of re-organization in the future, though under a different name for reasons discussed further within this document. The potential for community-building still exists through the Mastodon server, but there are currently no plans to do so.

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Reply by SafeInSanity


Oh ok. I figured it was because they turned in to a radical left wing Nazi organization. 

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Reply by benny // whalefall


radical...left wing...NAZI?? ORGANIZATION???

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Reply by benny // whalefall


anyways, after reading: well, that sucks, community here seems fine anyway

i don't need a bunch of fancy shmancy idols to trail after in order to have goals, none of the rest of you do. we want less tech? we can have less tech

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