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why is scrollamount disappearing when i save my edits? [closed]

Posted by ★ clover


Forum: SpaceHey

i'm trying to add the following code to my profile, but the scrollamount disappears when i save the changes and the image moves too slowly. can someone tell me why is this happening?

<marquee behavior="scroll" direction="right" scrollamount="18" style="float:  ; max-height: 200px; position: fixed; left: -200px; bottom: 6px; z-index: 250;">
<img src="https://media.tenor.com/O8RTmD4-SPcAAAAi/strawberry-cream-cookie-cookie-monster.gif" height="200"/></marquee>

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Reply by Gluma


I don't have a solution since I'm not the best with HTML code but I'll share my thoughts:

It seems like scrollamount is deleted, no matter what. I do know that SpaceHey can automatically delete any broken/open code so I was wondering if that was the case :O Though, it seems like that's exactly how the code is supposed to be written so maybe SpaceHey just doesn't allow it...? I wonder if there's a profile that has fast scrolling images, anyway :o

You can try asking the same question in the HTML Group! The members there are pretty active

this sentence supposedly had a scrollamount of 30 but let's test it.

this sentences supposedly has a scrollamount of 2 but let's test it. If this doesn't work, I'm gonna assume the site doesn't allow it :/

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Reply by ★ clover


a guy on html group told me that apparently spacehey doesn't support scrollamount. bummer

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