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Thoughts on hook up culture?

sex positive? toxic? a lot of mixed opinions :(

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Reply by daisy ☆


i think it's a complicated discussion. some people can be very inconsiderate and heartless when it comes to hooking up, but tbh that applies to anything in the dating world. it's fucked that there's people condemning hook-ups, but it's also fucked that people become selfish because they use it to their advantage. i think those two can co-exist.

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Reply by Sc0rp1an


It’s goad. Cuz while I’m not one for having sex and hooking up just for bodies, if it’s not hurting anyone and both parties are consenting and just want sex then that’s that. Things will only get weird and complicated if one party has poor communication issues, their looking for more or one party is lying. THATS when shit gets deep.

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Reply by Sneeze


not my cup of tea. Personally I think the cons far out way the pros. But to each their own, I just hope everyone stays safe.

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Reply by LG FUAD


it depends on the person honestly; If you you just want to hookup, because you aren't ready for anything big that's okay, but don't lead someone on, make your intentions clear! But if you're looking for something serious, and long term don't look for that in people who just want to hookup.

from my experience (someone who wants long term) i think it can be difficult to form a relationship now days when everyone just wants to hookup and move on... which can suck but i can also understand it . A lot of people are under stress, and a relationship on top of previous stress is not good for either parties involved, but some still want to feel love without strings attached. 

I think its a complicated thing to think, or discuss. Everyone has their wants, and needs, and they should seek out others with the same intentions! if two people want to hookup with no strings attached go for it!! if you're looking for a long term relationship just be patient, and let the person youre talking to know what you want!!!

sorry that was probably a lot of gibberish.

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