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I need a data job!!

I've been looking for work as a Data Analyst left and right for the past 2 years since graduating from university, and still nothing. I need something ASAP, and this struggle is killing me. At this point I've applied to literally hundreds of jobs and reached out to so many LinkedIn professionals asking for advice and references, and I'm still the same place. I don't know what I should be doing differently to increase my odds of getting hired. 

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6 Replies

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Reply by Helios (he)


Did you find anything?

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Reply by abin.jacob


Starting from the bottom like entry level jobs would be a good start. You can start working as an intern or do jobs related or similar to jobs you are aiming for and start working from there. It will be a long process. Anything from data entry to customer centric specialisation roles like claims roles to support roles is a good start. Working as an administrative assistant or HR generalist or associate would also be a good start. I would also like to let you know that the duration of job really matters for recruiters who are looking to hire regardless of the kind of responsibilities you have been tasked with for any kind of jobs. For entry level roles minimum 6 months of experience could be alright. The factors are mostly what the companies are looking for in any given new hire. They may look for a complete fresher or atleast a few months of experience in an office environment for entry level roles. I am not sure about what kind of jobs you have worked on or what you are looking forward to so I cannot really help you or any of us can  here for that matter. I do wish you the best moving forward. Wish you happy holidays. 

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Reply by MaterialFuture


Hope everything has gone well in your job search. My recommendation, to you or others looking for data or programming jobs, would be to work on some open-source projects or have a portfolio available for people to see and work on those projects while taking an internship somewhere. A college education only gets you so far, it's more about having relevant work experience and a good attitude - I know this having hired people at three different tech companies.

For any field there is a good amount of networking that needs to be done, so even if you are working you should be linking up with people either at work or at conventions. Another thing to note is tailoring your resume to the jobs you're applying to, so instead of sending out one resume for all these companies try to reword it to sound more like you're the perfect fit for the position at that company, because LinkedIn and Indeed evaluate your profile/resume prior to anyone actually looking at it, so essentially the system could filter you out or rank you low and you'd never know.

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Reply by ienconnor


You rock for your help! This is by and large the very thing that I was looking for! I can moreover urge you to masters dissertation help from trusted in qualified researchers. This recuperations you time, and all the while, all of your papers, for instance, research projects, articles, will be done on time and without artistic burglary. It is very much pleasant.

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Reply by IbtesamAbdullah


Hello to all job seekers,
finding and getting a great job is not an easy task that’s why 
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Reply by Doug


Hello for those looking for jobs you don’t have to search no more my the company o work with are hiring and you don’t need a college degree to work you’re good off with your high school diploma and will undergo few days training and it’s a remote job which is very lucrative.

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