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How do you change the background of a premade layout?

Posted by Bagelbugz.exe


Forum: SpaceHey

I have a layout I really like but I wanna put my own background into it and idk how to get into the code of the actual layout, much less what to do once I get to it.

Any advice?  

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Reply by Gluma


This post talks about how to code in a custom background for your profile. I suggest looking for those specific code lines in your layout code and from there, you can just follow the post's instructions.

Usually, layouts would add comments in the code to organize it but if the layout you have doesn't have comments, you could also just check a layout that does and search for its background code to find what the code looks like

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Reply by Bagelbugz.exe


TYSMM! This is wonderful advice and that post was exactly what I needed! ^^

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