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My Podcast needs YOUR help

Podcast Ideas!

Hi! I'm LEO, I run a podcast...(obvy by the title lol) 

I've run into a problem (T^T) I HAVE RUN OUT OF IDEAS!! I have no clue what to talk about it, I need YOUR help.

"Why?" or "What the actual he-"  ヽ(゜ω゜○)ノ

GOOD QUESTION! I'm hoping YOU, the people on here (or other identified creatures?) will give me some ideas. AND HERE WHERE THE BEST PART IS: ٩(๑˃́ꇴ˂̀๑)۶

YOU WILL GET A MASSIVE SHOUTOUT LIVE ON MY PODCAST!! I will message the future person and ask more about the idea they posted, and ask for complete consent on the name & username they want me to shout out.

Now then, you must be thinking..."Don't you make money off this?"


I do not make any money on my podcast, the requirement to start mobilization (make money) is to have 1k or more monthly listeners. I DON'T REACH THAT MANY ಥ_ಥ

I live in the deep south where the nearest city is an HOUR AWAY. So no, I don't make money. Hopefully one day I do and when I do. In said future if this ep gains the required views and whatnot. I will send the money to the person <3


Motto: Treat people with kindness and goodness in fortune 

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2 Replies

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Reply by Vances


Well, i'd say something about animations. I, myself, love drawing. If someone asked "how much do you like drawing if goind down?" i'd probably point to hell and say "deeper than that."

So yeah, about drawing or animations in general :P

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Reply by zloth1


hi! ik this post is a little old but i always think to myself 'if i had a podcast' (or something) i'd talk about the manga and music i like! so maybe that :) 

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