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Drop a creepypasta idea of yours

A lose idea, concept, or an already finished one, I wanna hear all about it! 

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Reply by Khara


A g1rl th4t w4s f0rc3d t0 w4tch 4n1m4ls g3t sl4ugh3t3r3d by h3r d4d. I th1nk 1t g03s f0r a g00d ch4r4ct3r d3v3l0pm3nt

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Reply by Emo Prince$$


I've been thinking that unlike marble hornets or toby, the oc like makes a deal. I mean it makes it seem like slender is more of a god-type entity but I feel like there's not a lot of those. Maybe like the oc is just praying or manifesting to anything that can save them, and slender does at a cost? idk rough idea tbh

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