I knew that someone taught my grandma a spell for healing warts. She healed warts on my hand once and they disappeared in some days.
One month ago we were talking about show which was years ago on TV and she said host of that show sees things. I said that some people have supernatural powers and asked if she remembered when she used spell for my warts, if she had that written somewhere and if it was hard to learn. It really isn’t hard
She said she had many warts on leg and someone told her they would heal it because she was young girl and it wouldn’t be good. Warts disappeared and later that person taught her how to do that. Grandma said she wouldn’t say that to anyone. She said doctors wouldn’t do that.
Someone had big wart on nose and couldn’t see because of that. Grandma helped that person and they were so happy they gave her money even though she didn’t want
2 days ago I asked her about spell if i remembered days right and she said yes. I told her how I remembered it. I asked what to say exactly and why she shouldn’t tell that spell to others and she laughed because I asked a lot of questions. I think it might not work if I say to other people. She said she told that man she wouldn’t tell anybody because people would spread it, it’s called folk medicine, person who taught her that was neighbour man and he helped her when she had many warts on leg when she was young. I said it’s very interesting how this works and she also doesn’t know. I said it might have connection with nature because you need water for this and plants can hear us. She said tree will rot if you tell it to rot many times. She said about one tree it should be cut because it would rot and it bloomed next summer or spring and didn’t after that.