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Deleting mainstream social media. Smart, or dumb idea?

Posted by ItzaFelix


Forum: Life

IHello! I want to hear the opinion of strangers about this topic. 

Recently i've looked at the r/dumbphones. And as someone who LOVEES 2000's, 90's, 80's technology, I KNEWWW I wanted a dumbphone, specially a japanese flip phone.

And with this also i've been finding webpages recreating old versions of mainstream social media. A year ago (almost 2 years) it was spacehey! Then a month ago I found bitview and just 2 days ago I found out a MSN clone!! And dude... Uploading stuff in this webpages (well not msn but you understand xD) makes me so happy... I don't have to worry too much about what I upload, and I don't worry how much views I get because IT DOESN'T MATTER!! But when I upload to Youtube or Tiktok I always feel like i'm never good enough.

With twitter I have a love, hate releationship. I love finding cool stuff on twitter, but everywhere I look there's so much hate, drama, SERIOUS STUFF, etc, and I use the internet to scape those things, it's good to be educated about what's going with the world, but MAN, everything is so TOXIC. Also... There's a friend, where I only have her social media i. Twitter, and I love talking to her, but since She's japanese, i don't want her to create a spacehey account or sm since I don't want to bother her.

Instagram. Yesterday I checked and only have 16 minutes on it LOL, but i would feel bad because all of my friend have Instagram, and send me stuff. Also from Instagram I know about anime conventions, since most cons from here argentina don't have other accounts.

Tiktok oof... I don't know, it's the app that I most use, I love sending videos to my friends, and the send videos to me too, but i feel so dumb scrolling for an hour or more. I thought of deleting the app, but using it in pc, since I want to be come more PC dependent (i'll explain later).

Discord. I want to delete this so bad, but I have my friend group there, and we had this server for 5 years, and when I told then to move to msn they were VERY hesitant (which makes sense) 

(Oh and I'd like to clarify that these friends are virtual ones, so it's not something we can just fix by TALKING IRL LOL).

As you can see, i'm not so phone adicted, but these mainstream social media bring mostly bad things to me, so finding out there's a community that has the same feelings like me is so... Good(?

I want to be on my flip phone at school listening to music and doing my shi, then going back home excited to go on my pc and talk in msn, see what spacehey people are doing, share my thoughts, watch very homemade videos in bitview and when I find other webpages do the same thing too.

I know i can't delete EVERYTHINGG and don't use a smartphone and stuff since there are some apps and webpages that don't work on old devices, but i don't know if i'm acting by impulsivity. When I was young I used google+ AND IT WAS THE BEEESSSTTT, i loved posting my bad drawings, and joining groups and roleplaying, I want to feel the same thing too.

So.. do you think changing all of these new modern stuff to old school technology and websites is a smart, or dumb idea?

I'll be reading the responses.

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3 Replies

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Reply by lily ★


smart imo im jealous

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Reply by marumizer



I like your ideas. I used to be on Twitter and Discord all day, and switching to Spacehey and smaller communities not only made me spend less time on my phone, but also made me feel better than whatever an algorithm was feeding me on Twitter. 

I wouldn't say to jump immediately into it, but wean yourself off, maybe. Add a time limit to Tiktok, start using the alternative more, and then decide on deleting accounts. Maybe ask your friends to give an alternative a try. Instagram doesn't sound like a problem to me, especially if it's giving you information on events (I know I only have instagram for my IRL friends, too.) Overall, I think smaller social media sites might be better? 

I'd love to hear about what other sites you're using, as I'm kind of doing the same thing. 

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Reply by ItzaFelix


@marumizer For now i'm using spacehey(ofc), bitview, niconico douga (although it's known, the way the algorithm works is very different to youtube) and for texting I use windows live messenger escargot. I don't know anyother yet, but there's a Twitter made by the creators of bitview which looks like the old twt

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