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PS2 help

Posted by Edgar Allan Hoe


Forum: Games

Is there any way for me to be able to use a USB stick as a memory card for a PS2 Slim? Mine didnt come with a memory card so I can't save game progress at all for now.

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Reply by overcomplexification


if I remember correctly, I think you can only do that through opl. 

it's complicated, so I would just recommend you buy an actual memory card.

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Reply by Charlie


i had this exact thought when i bought my ps2. unfortunately, i didnt find a way to do it, not even anyone talking about it. i bought a memory card with free mcboot which allows you to play games from a sub with the opl program. maybe it is possible to do it using some other programs that come on the memory card but idk. i havent figured it out yet. however im pretty sure its not possible on a regular ps2 without any kind of softmod or something.

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You can buy PS2 memory cards on Amazon for $12-15 which is cheaper than most junk drives and skips the fuck around trying to get it to work as storage in lieu of a memory card. Just do that instead.

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Reply by Jasen


Yes, you can use a USB flash drive to store game save data on a PlayStation 2 (PS2) using a method called "Free McBoot" (FMCB). Free McBoot is a softmod for the PS2 that allows you to run homebrew applications, including those that enable you to use USB storage devices for saving game data.

Here's a general outline of the steps to set up Free McBoot and use a USB flash drive for game saves on a PS2:

Get a compatible USB flash drive: Not all USB flash drives are compatible with the PS2, so it's important to use one that is known to work well with Free McBoot. Generally, drives with smaller capacities and simpler designs tend to work better.

Install Free McBoot: You'll need to install Free McBoot onto a compatible memory card. This can be done using various methods, including using a pre-modded memory card or using a compatible PS2 game with an exploit (such as "Free McBoot Installer").

Configure Free McBoot: Once Free McBoot is installed, you'll need to configure it to enable USB support. This typically involves installing additional applications or plugins that allow the PS2 to recognize and access USB storage devices.

Format the USB flash drive: Before you can use the USB flash drive for game saves, you'll need to format it using the FAT32 file system. This can usually be done using a computer.

Transfer game save data: With Free McBoot configured and the USB flash drive formatted, you can now transfer game save data between the PS2 memory card and the USB flash drive. This can usually be done using homebrew applications or file management utilities accessible through Free McBoot.

Use the USB flash drive for game saves: Once the game save data is transferred to the USB flash drive, you can use it just like a memory card for saving and loading game progress on your PS2.

Keep in mind that the specific steps and requirements may vary depending on the version of Free McBoot you're using and any additional plugins or utilities you choose to install. It's also important to follow instructions carefully to avoid any potential issues or data loss.

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