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Which movie in the Saw saga is better and why?

I'm new to the group and there aren't many and I hope fans of saw

And I ask this question, for me they are all good except the ninth


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Reply by ⛧ Acid_Witch_Baby ⛧


for me i think the second saw movie is best the scene where Amanda gets thrown into the needle pit haunts me! 

also the new saw movie that came out, saw X, was also really good and was cool way to continue the franchise since they killed off Kramer so early in saw 3 lol

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Reply by silliest pumpkin


okay okay don't get me wrong I absolutely adore all the saw films they r like my fav horrors but the first one has to be the best, its iconic and honestly I just loved Adam he added a sense of humour that just wasn't in any of the others in the same way

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