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autism and romance- let's talk about it

like let's be real here- there's a lot of different attitudes to it, and everyone's got their preferences

but like, how has life on the spectrum played out in the romance factor

has it affected anything

does it change things

can it be tougher to get into relationships of the sort

i mainly want to know because it's kinda weird figuring things out, and i'm trying to just sort of figure out a ground on where we stand because it's sorta a weird topic to approach

as an autistic teenager, love tends to be a weird field to try and cross

now obviously i do know the answers to some of these, but i want to hear about experiences and opinions and such, to try and see what it's like on this end for us asd-ers

so, autistics, how about it- how does the romance factor play out

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Reply by Ph1n345 :P


I've only evr dated 1 person, it was short lived and uneventful, but when she broke up with me she did it in a way that I didn't realise she was breaking up with me B( I though we were still dating for an entire week aftr the break up

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Reply by Clowniard


personally its a real bummer since it kinda makes it difficult to know when im being annoying (it could also be my lack of social skills but idk)

it feels like its almost impossible to find ppl who are interested im me and most of the time everyone just wantes to have intimacy and go out to eat, i love going out to eat but why cant i know if i like u before hand? why does (almsot) everyone wants to meet me when we are at a noisy place or eating? why cant i have the first decent impression of u while im not focusing on u only?

(sorry i kinda used it as a bit of a vent, sorry ;p)

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