I am terrible at coding. I've created a code that works on JSFiddle but not on spacehey and I am very confused. I know there are code snippets I can steal from user momoapples but I would like to understand what is going wrong here. The code is meant to have a bird gif fly from left to right at the top.
Here is the code:
<img class ='test2' src='https://i.postimg.cc/J7sBF22p/giphy.gif'/>
.test2 {
position: fixed;
left: -14%;
z-index: 99;
user-select: none;
transform: scaleX(-1);
animation-name: bird-fly;
animation-duration: 10s;
animation-timing-function: linear;
animation-iteration-count: infinite;
animation-play-state: running;
width: 75px;
height: 75px;
@keyframes bird-fly {
0%{ left: -14%; }
100% { left: 114%; }