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Jainism and Practicing Jains

I've been taking a class on Jainism at University and I am absolutely fascinated by the faith. We're currently picking apart expositions to Anekantavada by modern scholars. We briefly went over the consequences of ahimsa and possible conceptions of intellectual ahimsa but I am having difficulty with how exactly the concept functions (I know there is a sliding scale for house-holders and ascetics, and house-holders have different responsibilities). What does Ahimsa mean to you? How do you practice it on the day-to-day?

Deep appreciation for any responses.

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Reply by Mr. KokoPudgeFudge


In Jainism, Ahimsa is the complete and utter avoidance of violence, true pacifism. It doesn't matter if it was accidental or if it was even a fly that was killed, all forms of violence in Jainism will accrue bad karma.

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Reply by SantMat


I am especially fond of the vegan Jains. Normally Jains are lacto-vegetarian but there's a growing vegan movement in Jainism and they even have their own library online. They do specialize in wisdom about ahimsa ethics. Some great resources. https://jainelibrary.org

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