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France as if you were there

Posted by TektoCore


Forum: General

Today we will visit France as it is.

First to all, a few words and phrases in French :

France is located in Europe and in the Schengen area of the European Union.

Hello -> Bonjour -> Bjr

Hi -> Salut -> Slt

How are you? -> Comment vas tu ? ->

what's up? -> Quoi de neuf / ça va ?

Where the bakery is located? -> Où se trouve la boulangerie ?

(You may have noticed but we French, we add a space between the sentence and the punctuation, as you voice above.)

We will discover the landscapes, the banal daily life, the school system, the banal conversations.

We drive to the right.

The gastronomic specialties by department.

French supermarkets.

Leclerc of Bayeux

French radio.

French TV Channel, French TV channel in order.

Channel NEWS -> 15 BFMTV, 16 CNEWS ‍💫, 24 FRANCE 24, 26 LCI, 27, FRANCEINFO.

Group Channel : 6play, FranceTV, TF1 MAX, Canal+.

Main channel : TF1, FRANCE 2, FRANCE 3, M6, BFMTV.

I know a very interesting show in which we discover special recipes from our regions: METEO À LA CARTE on France 3.

Météo à la carte du Lundi au vendredi midi sur France 3

Now looking at landscapes of France :3

Bay of Mont St Michel

A road un Saint-Armel


The arch of Vallon Pont d'Arc

Chapel of Allouville in Normandie

A vaulted dam.

Beauce is nicknamed the granary of France because of the vast expanses of wheat fields.

Arch of Pointe of Dinan

All the French go once a week to the bakery to get bread, baguette, croissant, chocolate bread/ chocolatine. 🔵⚪🔴

Bread can be eaten with everything, there is no limit ;)

Quel pain choisir pour votre santé?

In the United States, the current is 110 volts (60 60 Hz | cycles) while in Europe, it is 230 volts (50 Hz | 50 cycles).

Réseau de Transport d'Électricité (RTE) : le gestionnaire des lignes à  haute tension en France

In France swim shorts are prohibited for hygiene reasons, because the cap is mandatory in some pool but otherwise it is not always put ;)


Piscine de Albi

Le Lagon Atlantis restaurant, Albi - Critiques de restaurant

Generally in France: after a meal the waiter asks us if we want a coffee before the addition.

Immobilier : l'effet inattendu de la proximité d'un bar sur les prix des  logements | Les Echos

Older French people find it taboo to talk about money. Generally, in France, the issue of money is intimate.

French people usually dine between 7pm and 11pm.

Upon entering a store, say bonjour and make sure you say au revoir upon exiting. That’s good life advice anywhere!

Casual conversation :


A Frenchman at the checkout of a supermarket.

Customer -> Bonjour,

Cashier -> Bonjour,

(after running on the treadmill)

Cashier -> Avez vous la carte de fidélité ?


Cashier -> Voulez vous payez sans contact ?


Cashier -> Voulez vous que je vous imprime votre ticket ?

Customer -> Oui silvouplait / non merci ça ira

Customer -> Bonne journée, Aurevoir

Cashier -> Merci à vous aussi, Aurevoir


Baker : Bonjour, que voulez vous ?

Customer : Une baguette pas trop cuite.

Baker : Celle-ci ?

Customer : Oui


Baker : Sans contact ?

Customer : Oui


Baker : Bonne journée,

Customer : bonne journée,

Well, I hope this mini guide made you learn a few things.

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2 Replies

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Reply by Colocho


Kill the frenchies

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Reply by Sakrane


Je suis français et j'approuve !

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